Todd Woodhull has been named the Director of the Referee Development Program.  In this role, Todd will organize referee coach/mentor activities and manage the identification, tracking, and advancement of Arizona referees. 


The AZRDP will enhance referee retention, promote referees to attend top Regional and National events, and prepare referees to become National and Professional referees.



The AZRDP can best be illustrated as a pyramid of three tiers; Outreach, Identification, and Advancement.

Outreach involves sending ASRA representatives and Referee Coaches to competitions where newer and less experienced referees are more likely to be refereeing games. These representatives will strive to meet new referees and provide encouragement and information about refereeing in Arizona.

Outreach also allows a bridge to the next tier, Identification. In this tier, referees that have the interest and potential to eventually work higher level competitions, such as State Cup and Regional championship events, will be identified for the next higher tier of Training.

The Advancement tier works to develop referees who have been identified as having the interest and potential to travel to Regional championship events and prepare for the higher goal of becoming National and Professional referees.