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Host A Referee Field Course 


What Do You Need to Provide?

Our preference is a full-sized, fully-lined field with at least one goal properly placed

The training lasts 5 hours, with an additional 2 hours needed for set up and tear down

Restroom facilities must be available and accessible

What is the Process?

Request the class using the form below

Our Clinic Coordinator will set up the class in our registration system

The class will be posted on this site and opened for registration

Requested Date

Please enter "2024" for year

Requested Start Time
Alternate Date

If your requested date is not available, what is your second choice?

Confirm you are able to reserve a full soccer field or similar indoor space to host this course.
Requested Date

Please enter "2024" for year

Requested Start Time
Alternate Date

If your requested date is not available, what is your second choice?

Confirm you are able to reserve a full soccer field or similar indoor space to host this course.
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