PHOENIX, AZ, June 26th 2023— The Arizona State Referee Administration (ASRA) is excited to announce that a 22-member team of referees are currently representing the state of Arizona at US Soccer's Farwest Regionals event in Boise, Idaho. The complete list of referees representing Arizona State includes:
Jaime Avila
Edgar Beltran
Makenzie Brower
Iona Burr
Ashton Ching
Mitchell Christensen
Ryan Cunanan
Shakir Ballantyne
Robert Johnson
Carmen Kathol
Mersha Kisiel
Soren Kristensen
Lorenzo Lopez
Jorge Medina Rojo
Christopher Melchor
Alexis Mendoza
Daniel Montes
Alex Ohmart
Rodrigo Perez
Kylie Rhodes
Alfonso Urena
Andrew Waller
The Farwest Regionals event is held at the Simplot Sports Complex, located in Boise, ID. Over the course of the event, our referees will officiate numerous games, showcasing their skills, knowledge, and expertise in the game. Please join the State in wishing the best of luck to all our officials representing Arizona.
The ASRA is grateful for its partnership with the ASA, which enables the organization to send a strong delegation of referees to the US Youth National Championship Series Events being held in Boise, Idaho. This prestigious event brings together the best referees from across the region, providing a unique opportunity for our Arizona representatives to showcase their skills on a regional stage. For more information about the Arizona State Referee Administration, please visit our website at https://www.azref.com/. To stay up to date with the latest news and updates from the 2023 Farwest Regionals, follow azreferees on social media.