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The ASRA announces referees selected to represent Arizona at 2024 Farwest Presidents Cup


Phoenix, AZ – The Arizona State Referee Administration (ASRA) is proud to announce the selection of 10 referees from across the state of Arizona to represent at the Far-West Region Presidents Cup. These talented individuals have been chosen based on their performance in officiating matches for the Arizona Soccer Association (ASA) and their exceptional participation and performance in the State Championships.

The ASRA is grateful for its partnership with the ASA, which enables our organization to send a strong delegation of referees to the US Youth National Championship Series Events being held in Salt Lake City, Utah. This event brings together the best referees from across the region, providing a unique opportunity for our Arizona referees to showcase their skills on a regional stage.

Please join us in congratulating the following officials on their selection to represent Arizona at Far-West Presidents cup.

Timothy Man To Chair

Max Chandler

Israel Gutierrez

Harlan Harbison

Jeremiah Hernandez

Van Kathol

Leonardo Nunez

Brandon Rincon

Michael Seybert

Edgar Suarez Hernandez

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