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Arizona State Referee Administration Announces New State Director Of Futsal


Updated: Jul 5, 2024

Phoenix, AZ – The Arizona State Referee Administration is pleased to announce the appointment of Billy Denman as the State Director of Futsal for Arizona. This decision comes as part of our ongoing efforts to enhance and streamline the Futsal program for referees across the state of Arizona.

As the State Director of Futsal, Billy Denman will play a crucial role in overseeing the program’s administration and work closely with the leagues and events in Arizona. He will serve as the primary point of contact for all matters related to Futsal, ensuring effective communication and support to referees and US Soccer affiliated organizations.

The Arizona State Referee Administration is confident that this appointment will significantly contribute to the ongoing development and success of futsal in the state. By prioritizing the needs of referees and striving for continuous improvement, the program aims to provide an exceptional experience for all participants.

About Billy Denman

Billy is an experienced and accomplished referee in futsal. As a United States Futsal Federation National Futsal Referee, US Soccer Regional Futsal Referee, and United Futsal National Referee, he brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to Futsal. In addition, Billy is also involved in mentoring and instructing referees for both 11v11matches and Futsal, showcasing his commitment to developing the next generation of officiating talent.

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